Everyone should have control over their personal data and privacy

It’s 2024, time to get our heads data out of the clouds.

The cloud offers great convenience and flexibility, significantly improving our lives. But for personal data storage needs, it poses risks like loss of control, privacy issues, higher costs, and the effects of outages, bankruptcies, or platform bans. Moreover, vendors often push you into their own ecosystems, limiting freedom of choice. 

Besides, do you really need all those missed doorbell videos stored redundantly on servers across the globe?

Cloud icon

We want to help you achieve some cloud independence and regain ownership of your data using your own hardware.

So how do we do that?

The IT-savvy have long known the secret: NAS (network-attached storage) or homelabbing. We call it a home server, and with it, you can do amazing things!

Hard drives

Store and protect your data locally

Play button

Play and stream your media anywhere

Smart home

Automate and protect your home


Run apps and desktops

And so much more!

There’s just one catch,
it’s a lot to learn.

If you’re not IT-savvy, concepts like RAID, parity, file systems, and access controls might seem like gibberish, and many will likely struggle to get past the initial setup.

We want to change all that!

HexOS will make it easy with a beautifully simple UI.

Powered by

TrueNAS logo

Just as games like Fortnite and Valorant rely on the Unreal engine to create their virtual worlds, HexOS is powered by TrueNAS because it is:

Enterprise grade

TrueNAS is trusted by thousands of business customers. It’s great for the enterprise and its great for your home server.

Feature rich

Elegant storage management, data snapshots, replication, containers, and virtualization…TrueNAS ships with everything we need.

Secure and stable

TrueNAS is literally the embodiment of all the best that open source Linux has to offer and its tested rigorously to ensure the highest level of reliability.

Designed for simplicity

Our focus is on the UI and user experience, workflows, automations, and most of all, ease-of-use. Some highlights include:

Guided setup

Remote access from anywhere

One-click app installs

Wizard-driven Virtual desktops

HexOS logo

Our goal is to make home servers accessible to anyone with minimal effort and basic hardware.