HexOS Q1 Status Update
Hard to believe it’s already March of 2025. It seems like only yesterday we were just launching our Black Friday sale. I guess time flies when you’re having fun, and we’re having an absolute blast building HexOS! In today’s blog post, we want to give you guys an update on all that has transpired since the launch, and an updated look into the roadmap.

The Road to 1.0
With the launch of the HexOS beta and early access program, we are taking this moment to highlight the features we are delivering now, and what we have slated to get us to our 1.0 release in 2025.

The Magic Behind HexOS
Powered by TrueNAS, the world's most deployed enterprise-grade storage platform, HexOS provides a highly reliable and easy-to-use solution to store, use, and protect your data. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how HexOS works to make all of this possible.